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How much of your next hire’s role will involve them being interviewed at length?

Probably not very much. Why then do you put so much weight on how they interview?


At Kokkoi we collect data which is highly predictive of fit, satisfaction and performance in any given role. It is not about sorting out the good eggs from the bad apples. Selection is - surely - all about finding people who will love the role, the context and the business you are hiring them for; and then making sure you (the employer) understand how to deploy them most effectively.


If you think it is time to try an approach that delivers star quality, every time, contact us for an obligation-free conversation.

For example, for screening applicants at scale, Snapshot gives you easy-to-read data on applicants.


Here is an example of someone who applied for an admin role at a manufacturing company. They are a great fit for admin and finance roles, but need an environment that is more people-oriented and enthusiastic than is found in your picture of an archetypal admin office.

An example of Snapshot data in Tableau
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energised by working with numbers and systems

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will work best in People-oriented contexts, and responds well to enthusiasm and open communication

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very similar in profile to most people who are successful and satisfied in Office & Admin, Business & Finance roles.

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most energised by doing admin and finance tasks, but also enjoys interaction with people.

Now consider a different person for that same role:

An example of Snapshot data in Tableau

They have similar environmental preferences (for a people-oriented and enthusiastic environment) and also find people interactions energising. However, in terms of motivation, admin and finance roles are “okay, but no strong match”...


You can already begin to see how having these insights into candidates makes a world of difference when it comes to identifying the right individual, who will be able to sustain high levels of engagement in a given role.


Get in touch to find out how we can help you in your selection process.

Why does accurate hiring matter?

Many businesses seem unaware of the high costs they incur through mis-hires.

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Average direct hiring costs for entry level role in NZ

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Average time, in days, to fill vacant roles in NZ

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Estimated cost of mis-hire


  • Even an entry level role in NZ costs on average $9,772 in direct hiring costs. For more senior roles, the cost can be as high as 35,000 or more.1


  • Average time to fill vacant roles is in the range of 40 (Australia) to nearly 50 days (NZ).2


  • Estimates of the cost of a misfire vary wildly, depending on whether they consider on the direct costs of firing and rehiring (e.g. US Department of Labor’s very conservative estimate of 30% of annual salary) or include indirect costs such as reputational damage and other impacts on customers, brand and organisation, where estimates of 2-5 times annual salary are common.3


  • Our experience and what we hear in the market both suggest that even the most astute manager delays letting a person go for a minimum of 3 months past the point where they know for certain that they are a mis-hire.4



     1. Research by ELMO Software, quoted in Human Resources Director

     2. Ibid.

     3. e.g.

     4. e.g. see Kevin Ryan’s 2011 talk on recruiting Top Talent for Gilt Groupe, presented by

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